Community Documentation
pi4soa 2.0
Users Guide
Gary Brown
1. Overview
2. Choreography Description Designer
2.1. Choreography Concepts
2.1.1. Type Definitions
2.1.2. Activities
2.1.3. Expressions
2.1.4. Choreography Session Identity
2.1.5. Structure
2.2. Creating a new Choreography
2.3. Monitoring a Choreography
2.3.1. Configuring the Project
2.3.2. Running the Monitor
2.4. Semantic Annotations
2.4.1. Using Semantic Annotations
2.4.2. Customizing Semantic Annotations
2.5. Importing
2.5.1. WS-CDL
2.6. Exporting
2.6.1. WS-CDL
2.6.2. HTML
2.6.3. Service Description
2.7. Preferences
3. Scenario Designer
3.1. Creating a Scenario
3.1.1. Creating a Scenario from the XML Schema
3.2. Editing a Scenario
3.3. Simulating a Scenario
4. Java Services
4.1. Generating
4.1.1. Extension Classes
4.1.2. Reporting Errors
4.1.3. The Extension Context
4.2. Deploying
4.3. Testing
4.3.1. Changes in version 1.6
5. WS-BPEL Services
5.1. Generating
5.1.1. Known Issues
5.2. Deploying
5.2.1. ActiveBPEL
6. Service Interfaces
6.1. WSDL
6.1.1. Generating
7. Other Topics
7.1. Interaction Design Patterns
7.1.1. Terminating a While Loop based on an Interaction
Chapter 1. Overview